How To Make A Website - Estonia - 2021

It was never easier to make a website in Estonia and in this guide we will guide you step by step to make your website real without the need to pay to designers or developers.

Before we start,did you decide the domain name you are going to use? It is highly recommended to choose a domain name with the .com extension because it will be more attractive for your visitors,for Remember you can always connect a second domain name with the domain extension for Estonia.

Benefits of this guide

You will get a Website with the following benefits:

  • Easy to use
  • Manage your Website from any computer or mobile
  • No HTML or expert level required
  • You have the full control of your site
  • Customizable design
  • Website can grow as your business grows

Make A Website Step By Step

    1. Go to this link to register your website domain and hosting.
    2. Select Basic Plan.
      (If you want to get more feature you can choose the higher plans also).
    3. In the box "new domain",write a domain name that you wish and click on next.
    4. Complete your personal details and package information.
      (Package extras are not required,you can decide what you want to include).
    5. Click the checkbox to accept Terms and click on submit.
    6. Click on Set Password,add your new password and click on next.
    7. Click on log in.
    8. When you see some designs,go to the bottom of the page and click Skip this step.
    9. Click on Start Building to go to Wordpress Admin Panel.
      (If Wordpress was not installed automatically,follow this tutorial to install Wordpress easily and then continue with next step).
    10. Keep the browser with Wordpress Admin Panel opened and don't close it (we will use it on next steps).

Downloading Divi Theme

  1. Click here to download Divi Theme.
  2. Click on Sign Up Today on the left box.
  3. Complete the fields of the form.
  4. Click on the checkbox to accept the terms.
  5. Click on complete the registration.
  6. Go to the bottom of the page and click on Log In.
  7. Enter your name and password and click on member log In.
  8. Download Divi and remember the location of this folder.

Installing Divi theme

  1. Go to Wordpress Admin Panel (you have it opened from step 1).
  2. On the left menu go to Appurtenance.
  3. Go to Themes.
  4. Click on Add New.
  5. Click on complete the registration.
  6. Select the theme we downloaded before (
  7. Click on Install Now.
  8. Click on Activate.

Designing the home page

  1. In your Wordpress Admin Panel go to the top bar on the left go to your website name and click on Visit Website.
    It will open the home page of your website.
  2. Go to the top bar and click on Enable Visual Builder.
  3. Click on Start Building.
  4. Select Choose a premade layout.
  5. Choose any layout that you want.
  6. Edit the text and design as you wish with the visual builder feature.
  7. At the bottom click on the violet button and it will be opened a bar with more option.
  8. At the bottom left side click on Save button.
  9. You can repet the previous step for all the other pages of your website.
  1. Go to your Wordpress Admin Panel.
  2. On the top bar click on Coming Soon Page
  3. Click on Launch your site.
  4. Ready,your website is online!

Now that your website is online,you can start investigating Wordpress Admin Panel where you can easily find the different options to customize your website

Also remember that any page that you want to edit,you just need to click on Enable Visual Builder at the top of the page.

How To Create A Website

Create Your Website Now